Growing Noni in Volcanic Soil

The benefits of growing noni in volcanic Hawaiian soil

For farmers in Hawaii, growing near active volcanoes has always been a source of prosperity and life. Whether it’s pineapple and cane sugar on the big island or olives and nuts in Italy, areas close to volcanic activity support a wide variety of thriving plant life. Deep underground, these areas house rich sources of beneficial metals and micro-nutrients such as Copper, Silicon, and Zink. The process of turning new volcanic material into beneficial soil takes place over thousands of years, as lava from violent eruptions is broken down slowly by living decomposers and a weathering environment.

This new soil offers many physical benefits to budding life. The dark igneous lava rock (also responsible for Hawaii’s iconic black sands) breaks down into a warm porous substrate which absorbs and holds heat and water, providing an ideal habitat for growth. The rough volcanic material on the grounds surface is also a natural deterrent for harmful insects. Its dense weight helps to prevent soil erosion, protecting the islands vital hummus.

Warm, hydrated, vitamin-rich soil – naturally protected from insect predators and erosion has helped make Hawaii the agricultural hub it is today. For nearly two thousand years islanders have learned to work with the lands local resources to provide for themselves in their isolated habitat in the South Pacific. Hawaiian OLA sees the beauty in this way of life and is working to preserve its essence. All natural Hawaiian OLA is made from organic Hawaiian super-fruits, grown locally and fairly to be shared with the world. To learn more, check out Learning about Hawaiian Noni.

Chris Whidden